My On-the-Road GPS Gears
- Casio FIVA 101 Windows98 PC
- Only 1.8 pound, 4"x5.5"x0.5" (half of the letter size)
- Battery up to 6 hours continue operation
- 200MHz with 64MB RAM, 3GB HDD
- Of course, running Microsoft Windows98 with MapPoint2002
- CruxII PC Card GPS Receiver (where to
buy? GPS Buying Guide)
- Low power 3.3V design. Need only 20mA to operate.
- Work with Compaq iPaq pocket PC
- No external power and antenna needed during hiking
- External antenna and cable for the in-car environment.
My GPS Navigation computer mounted on the dash board. (I-5 near
Bakersfield, CA)
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